Social and Environmental Responsibility
Social and Environmental Responsibility
Environmental awareness and preservation are extremely important topics for Cimento Tupi and are part of the company's daily routine. To achieve this, the company has a team that consistently works on raising awareness among its employees about the importance of the environment, the search for solutions and alternatives to improve environmental control systems and reduce the potential impacts caused by the industry. In addition, the company maintains a direct contact channel available to the communities surrounding its factories to address all matters related to the environment, such as questions and complaints, through the phone number 0800 030 4600.
Air Quality Monitoring
Over the time, the company has been investing in new technologies aimed at greater efficiency and lifespan of filters, continuous and appropriate monitoring of emissions from its clinker furnace, maintaining dust collection and spraying systems for the humidification of unpaved roads and open-air stockpiles. The company also periodically conducts air quality measurements through analysis sensors installed around the Pedra do Sino unit in Minas Gerais.
Water Usage
A Cimento Tupi, comprometida com o meio ambiente, realiza em suas unidades ações voltadas a preservação e conservação de recursos naturais. Diante da importância do uso racional da água na sociedade, a empresa adota uma política de gestão deste recurso que inclui o monitoramento do consumo em suas unidades industriais, a conscientização de seus colaboradores e recirculação de cerca de 40% de toda a água utilizada em seu processo produtivo, reduzindo assim o volume de água captada para uso industrial. Somado a essas ações a empresa trata 100% dos efluentes líquidos gerados em suas unidades fabris antes de seu lançamento no meio ambiente.
Waste and Coprocessing
The company makes every effort to reduce, reuse and recycle the waste generated by its activities and also invests in the development of new alternative sources of less polluting fuels through co-processing waste in clinker furnaces, licensed at Pedra do Sino unit in Minas Gerais since 2006. Co-processing promotes the definitive waste disposal without generating byproducts, assists in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and decreases the use of non-renewable natural resources.
Green Areas
Cimento Tupi is committed to preserving the environment, which is one of its most important commitments. The Pedra do Sino unit has more than 250 hectares of preserved Atlantic Forest surrounding it, which is preserved by the company. In addition, the company constantly invests in reforestation activities in the surrounding area, ensuring the preservation of the region's fauna and flora.
The Cimento Tupi has over time been adopting measures and practices aimed at reducing the impact of its activities on society and the environment. Among these measures are:
Environmental Education Program
Initiated in 2007, Cimento Tupi's Environmental Education Program (EEP) is a structure of educational projects focused on the environment, aimed at providing a teaching and learning process through theoretical and practical aspects directly to its employees and the social groups of the communities surrounding the Pedra do Sino factory. The goal is to offer an effective environmental education alternative and knowledge about the factory's operation and its respective impacts regarding the environment. In 2021, the program was restructured through the development of the Participatory Socio-environmental Diagnosis (DSP), which redirected the program's objectives towards building a collective understanding of the local reality. This approach considers the potential environmental impacts of the Pedra do Sino company on the surrounding communities.
Projetos Apoiados
Doação de Lacres
Implantado em 2021, o projeto busca engajar todos os seus colaboradores na captação de lacres de alumínio que serão vendidos para recicladores e o valor arrecadado é destinado a realização de ações sociais. A empresa possui pontos de coleta em todas as unidades.
Em 2024 realizamos a segunda edição do projeto Cultura & Cidadania, patrocinado pela Cimento Tupi. A programação cultural oferece em Carandaí apresentações de artes cênicas, exibição de filmes e oficinas culturais. Todas as atividades são gratuitas e se destinam a crianças, jovens, adultos e idosos. O projeto promoverá na cidade 04 oficinas: Artesanato, Teatro para crianças, Teatro para jovens e Dança.